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My guy, the Energizer Bunny, with the red tie, President Donald J. Trump, was out and about at 6:30 AM today in New York campaigning before his going to trial. There were hundreds of people, construction workers, union members and Trumpers wearing MAGA hats, waiting for hours to cheer him, support him, shake his hand, get his autograph, and take selfies. Among them were Dems who were thinking of voting for President Trump instead of the idiot in the White House. I witnessed a God Wink today.

This is how a real President and real leader shows his love for his country and it's citizens. Nobody does it better than President Trump who will be our President again in 2024.

God bless America, Israel, our troops, the unborn and God bless President Trump and his family. And may God bless y'all. Have a blessed day.

Peace and Shalom!

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