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Exclusive interaction and content with Donald Trump Jr. about politics and business.
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Elite only dinner, where the economy is great and all are well feed at the globalist dinner party at your expense.

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Hello Locals!

I'm super excited that you're here.



I wish y'all a lovely Happy and Blessed Mother's Day. Enjoy your special day shared with family, friends and loved ones.

Peace and Shalom!

Wildwood was amazing. Got into town around 2pm Friday the 10th and on line on the beach on Friday around 6 or 7pm.

I must say, even coastal flood warnings wouldn’t stop me. I met some amazing people and we stuck together since we met around 9pm Friday evening. Total strangers and we felt safe and very comfortable around one another. We froze because of the wind but it was so worth it. I brought a 2 man tent and 4 of us took turns using it to escape the wind. We were only 20 feet away from your father and the 100,000 other people were a backdrop of love. The number of people there from j6 shows what I have felt all along “if you are afraid, then you don’t belong here”. I hope to see you here on Locals on Monday because so much of what is to come for America, rests heavily on your family. You need our support and we are willing to go to the ends of the earth (and shoreline) for you.

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Dom jr. I enjoyed watching you with Bannon today. Thanks for the update on Dr. Navarro

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