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That banner says fuck you joe biden. That's TrumpForce One pulling it

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Dumbass biden
must raise income tax and cut pensions spending to slow the dangerous rise in the US national debt, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

For over two years now, we here at One America News have been warning that the war in Ukraine is not at all what it appears to be.

In 2022, I reported that Ukraine was home to dozens of US-funded biolabs—centers tied to Hunter Biden, that were reportedly working on producing bioweapons, including the COVID-19 Democrat Commie virus.

Today, thanks to an expose from the New York Times, of all places, we have more evidence that Ukraine is nothing more than a playground for Washington to establish their globalist agenda.

Ukrainian military officials have confirmed that the US government is funding and operating secret, high-tech command centers all across Ukraine.

What’s more, at least a dozen of these bases are fully-funded and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency.

These covert bases were built as part of a program under Barack Obama over a decade ago, with the specific goal of spying on Russia, and influencing Ukraine’s military operations.

You heard that right—around the same time that...

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