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Democrats are Drama Queens. Did they forget we are all on the same Team?

Team America?

This is why Is all those in office are a lost cause. Oh but the glory of watching them become Republicans is going to be glorious.

I wonder what in the hell goes on upstairs in their minds. Seriously. They act like teenagers who are off the rails.

Seriously. How do they even look themselves in the mirror? How can they make anything they do ok? How do they think what they have done is remotely ok?

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I'm old I'm establishment I want ice cream my buddy is mcconnell we have been here in Washington for years. We serve ourselves not those dumb enough to elect us. We have staffers to do the work we have more houses than those stupid enough to elect us.

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The National Response Plan (NRP) was a United States national plan designed to respond to emergencies such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks. It came into effect in December 2004 and was replaced by the National Response Framework on March 22, 2008. The federal government’s involvement in emergency management began with the Congressional Relief Act of 1803, which provided relief after a devastating fire in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. For about the next 150 years, the federal government took a reactive role in emergency response until passing the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950. No comprehensive plan for federal emergency response existed until 1979, when President Jimmy Carter signed an executive order creating the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA was first tasked with absorbing emergency response duties from multiple agencies with disjointed plans.

The National Response Framework (NRF), which replaced the NRP, establishes a single, comprehensive approach to ...

There is no legitimate reason for continuous security clearance, when one leaves service, not referring to former President's.

Pompeo is just the most recent to be removed.

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