U.S. appeals court ruled on Tuesday that Democratic former douchbag puppet president biden's administration lacked authority to pursue a student debt relief program designed to lower monthly payments for millions of borrowers and speed up loan forgiveness for some.
A tearful executive at the U.S. Internal Revenue Service told staffers on Thursday that about 6,000 employees would be fired.
Natalie Harp, I haven't seen her in years. Great to see she is still serving.
Thanks so much for all you’ve done for our country. Was hoping there’s something you can do to advocate w the administration on the issue of 50/50 parenting time in divorce. Many millions of men are being emotionally destroyed and many committing suicide due to having minimal time with their children and the breakdown of the relationships which this causes and the parental alienation tactics it encourages. From a public policy standpoint, having mandatory 50/50 custody and parenting time would de-incentivize divorce in general and would completely eliminate nearly all high conflict divorces. Most importantly, it would hugely improve the mental health of children to not have their dads cut out of their lives.